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Intractable epilepsy, brain damage and autism

Elaine and Ken talk about Emma's experience with vaccines as a toddler.

Emma was born healthy and progressed just like her older siblings. At her 8-month well-baby visit she received the DTP vaccine. Two weeks later, seizures started occurring. ER doctors chalked the first seizure up to a double ear infection, but Emma had a grand mal seizure three weeks later, requiring life resuscitation.

Despite the seizures, Emma continued to grow and progress, up until receiving the MMRV vaccine around 13 months. The MMRV vaccine targets measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella.

The Smith family shares their story on the Children's Health Defense (CHD) VAX-unVAX Bus in collaboration with the Michigan chapter of CHD and Michigan for Vaccine Choice (MVC).



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